Tag Archives: keyboard shortcut glitch

Menu Bar Shortcut Glitch in Outlook 2007

For those who like to use keyboard shortcuts in general, you might find an oddity in Outlook 2007. When pressing Alt+e, instead of dropping down the edit menu, it only highlights “Edit”. If you have installed Business Contact Manager as well, keep reading.

One of the shortcuts in the Business Contact Manager toolbar is “E-mail Auto-link”, and it uses the same keyboard shortcut than “Edit” in the Menu bar. So Alt+E can be used for either. That is the reason why the keyboard shortcut doesn’t pull down the menu. If you press Alt-E several times, it will switch between highlighting “Edit” in the menu bar and highlighting “E-mail Auto-link” in the BCM toolbar.

So that’s the reason. What is the handling? Stop using Outlook 🙂 . The next simplest is: uninstall BCM. Right next to it is just disable the add-in through the tools menu. If you do use BCM and getting rid of it is not an option, you can change what letter activates the “Edit” menu. Notice that as of this writing I have not found a way to hide the toolbar or change what letter activates the “E-mail Auto-link” button in the BCM toolbar – that seems to me like the real glitch!

Feel free to get in touch if you need instructions or help on how to change the shortut in the “Edit” menu or anything related to this.